Thanks for the response and checking that out, much appreciated, sometimes just knowing how someone elses is working helps my own insanity. I wonder if a real Xbox controller's L2/R2 or "trigger" buttons work in BB. I don't have a real Xbox controller (only the emulated one whereby DS4Windows turns my DS4 into an "Xbox Controller". I wonder if this is something Carr could handle in his xinput interface for gamepads? I never noticed this before, but it doesn't bother me anyway. Just confirmed I also cannot map the R2 and L2 (trigger) buttons in BB, but the R1 and L1 (shoulder) buttons work fine. One issue I had early on with DS4Windows was that it would result in two controllers being available for every DS4 plugged in - you can prevent this by using the "Hide DS4 Controller" option under the Settings tab in DS4Windows. I've not run into that problem, though I did not specifically try mapping the R2 and L2 buttons in BB.

If I missed this feature, please let me know. I hope they change things in their next generation to be able to store more than one custom config in the controller.
The customization software 8bitdo offers with the Pro+ looks like a good 1st generation attempt. I am VERY curious to hear about any real world thoughts by others. Hey, I just watched the same review on YouTube. Retro-Bit also makes a similar style controller, but it's wired. It didn't feel right playing Genesis games on a SNES style layout, and I wanted a D-pad closer to the Genesis style, and this filled that need for me. I also bought the 8bitdo M30, which mimics the 6 button controller for the Sega Genesis. I also wish that it had analogue L & R buttons for consoles that benefit from incremental values to their L&R buttons instead of just on or off.

They still feel fine, but I do wish they were slightly better. I read that the Pro + has improved components, but that's according to the manufacturer, so I'd be curious to see if anyone else has tested it. To be fair, I'm not sure most people would really notice, but people reading a message board on the subject of controller recommendations for emulation are going to be a bit more discerning than your average gamer. Not that I've had any problem with them, but after a few weeks, they lost a bit of the smooth quality. The only problem I have with the SF30/SN30 Pro is that, after a bit of wear-in time, the d-pad, analogue sticks, and X/Y/A/B buttons become *slightly* stiff. I just watched this review of it, and the guy who tested it said that it has 44 ms of lag via USB, which is the same as the X-Box One controller, and 64ms via Bluetooth, which he claims is among the best he's tested. They just released a new model, called the SN30 Pro+, which has some software that lets you customize some aspects of it. To add onto what everyone else has said, I'm currently using the 8bitdo SF30 Pro controller (I also have the SN30, same thing, but with SNES style buttons), and find that it works wonderfully for balancing between a retro feel with modern functionality.